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Can You Use Microsoft Word On Apple Laptop

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  1. Microsoft Word On Apple Laptop
  2. Does Apple Have Microsoft Word
  3. Can You Use Microsoft Word On Apple Laptops
  4. Apple Laptop Vs Microsoft Laptop
  5. Microsoft Word On Apple Computer

Covering everything from laptops to smartphones, from Windows 10 to productivity software, PCWorld delivers the information and expert advice you need to get the job done. If you use Microsoft Word on your Mac, you can save the documents you create and open them in Pages, Apple's word processor. It's a handy feature to use in case you can't access Microsoft. New Channel: How to Use Apple Mac Office's Microsoft Word on a Mac. This small tutorial shows you how to use. The From Scanner or Camera option for scanning documents and pictures is not available in Microsoft Office Word 2007. Instead, you can use your scanner to scan the document, and then you can save the file on your computer. Step 1: Install Microsoft Office Document Imaging. Exit all programs.

I have recently bought a Mac book pro. Till now have been using a acer laptop. Can any one help with the following. I want to transfer all my data( mostly word, excel and photos) to my Mac. What software do i use to in Mac to be able to use the word and excel. Iam not computer savy so going nuts now.

Every major tech company out there is offering their version of the productivity suite. Apple provides iWork suite of productivity apps. Google's G Suite is fiercely popular. While Microsoft's Office 365 bundle is considered as Gold standard among all.

Cloud storage solution providers such as Dropbox and Box are providing word-processing software such as Dropbox Paper and Box Notes for seamless sharing and collaboration. Newcomers such as Notion, Coda, and Airtable are trying to change the game with modular approach, but nothing beats a native experience.

Microsoft is steadily improving Word experience with more features. Recently, Apple pushed a big update to iWork apps, including Apple Pages. Google is slow in this regard, but it's getting there with small additions.

We have already covered a detailed comparison of Microsoft Word to Google Docs, and in this post, we will pit Microsoft Word against Apple Pages. The comparison will focus on interface, features, sharing, collaboration, price, and more. Let's get started.


After becoming CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella laid out ‘Mobile First, Cloud First' vision. And as a result, Microsoft Word is available everywhere. You can access the software on iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, iPad, and even Web.

As its case with every Apple software, Apple Pages is limited to iOS, Mac, and iPad. The comparison below focuses on the Mac version.

Templates and User Interface


Both Microsoft and Apple offer plenty of default templates. After comparing them side by side, I found Word's template list was richer and versatile. Apple Pages provides generic and basic ones such as Business Letter, Resume, Invoice, etc.

Nevertheless, you can always use third-party templates from the web.

Let's talk about User Interface for a bit. If you have used a past version of Microsoft Word before, then you will feel right at home with 2019 Word look.

The familiar toolbox is at the top with relevant sections. I felt Microsoft Word's interface was a bit outdated compared to today's standards. However, it's understandable why Microsoft doesn't want a drastic shift from interface since millions of its enterprise customers use the same software.

In comparison, Apple Pages look better. The editing options are at the right side and the ability to add table, charts, media, are at the top. It's not cluttered like Word.

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Both Microsoft and Apple offer plenty of default templates. After comparing them side by side, I found Word's template list was richer and versatile. Apple Pages provides generic and basic ones such as Business Letter, Resume, Invoice, etc.

Nevertheless, you can always use third-party templates from the web.

Let's talk about User Interface for a bit. If you have used a past version of Microsoft Word before, then you will feel right at home with 2019 Word look.

The familiar toolbox is at the top with relevant sections. I felt Microsoft Word's interface was a bit outdated compared to today's standards. However, it's understandable why Microsoft doesn't want a drastic shift from interface since millions of its enterprise customers use the same software.

In comparison, Apple Pages look better. The editing options are at the right side and the ability to add table, charts, media, are at the top. It's not cluttered like Word.

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Functions That Matter

Apple Pages perfectly gets the basics. You can add images, videos, tables, integrate stats, shapes, and more. Apple apps for windows 8.

One can set a password to access a page for extra security. The default editing options remain straightforward. I recommend you master keyboard shortcuts for Word to fly through functionalities.

Microsoft Word is full of features yet the media add-on remains same as Apple Pages. The company has integrated other services such as Microsoft Translate and LinkedIn Resume Assistant. The assistant will guide you to make compelling resume edits.

There is also a researcher function which gets all the relevant information of the selected word from the web. Thesaurus features let you find the synonyms of a word to increase vocabulary.

Microsoft Word On Apple Laptop

You can also add a password to document, add equations, format pages with color, border, and add watermarks.

Storing Documents

You can save a document offline on Microsoft Word and Apple Pages. Mac not seeing external drive. But that's the thing of past, isn't it?

Apple Pages is tightly integrated with iCloud. Once you hit the save button, the software will save it in the default iCloud folder. You can generate a sharable link and send a link to others. With iOS 13 and the upcoming Mac Catalina update, user can send the entire folders to others.

Microsoft Word is all about options. It's not limited OneDrive only. You can save documents to Dropbox and Box too. The trick remains the same. Save a document to cloud, open it on other device, and start making edits again.

Also on Guiding Tech How to Make a Fillable Form in Microsoft Word Read More

Sharing and Collaboration

Does Apple Have Microsoft Word

Sharing and real-time collaboration are essential in 2019. Microsoft has had online sharing since 2013 (With the help of OneDrive). Apple was a bit late to the sharing party.

Microsoft Word gives three options for sharing. You can send a copy to others using email. Upload a file to OneDrive and generate a sharable link from there. One can also invite others to make edits. You will see the real-time changes and the author's name along with it.

Apple Pages takes advantage of Apple's ecosystem. You can directly share a document using mail and iMessage. One can also send a document using Airdrop. It works seamlessly across Apple devices.

Of course, you can make permission changes and see the real-time edits made by others.


Microsoft Word gives a few options here. You can export a doc as pdf and HTML file. The software also lets you make a basic layout of the document and export it as a template. Using default reduce file size function, one can decrease the file size by compressing added images before exporting or sending it to others.

Snipping tool apple mac. Similar to Microsoft Word, you can export a page as pdf, Word file, EPUB file, plain text, and rich text bearing fancy elements. Apple also allows you to share the documents to Apple Books platforms from the app.

As always, you can save a page as a template for quick edits. This function is useful for making letterheads and default business letter style for your company.

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Apple Pages is completely free to use. The documents get stored on iCloud, which only offers 5GB of storage for free. You can buy additional space for $1/month.

Microsoft's productivity suite of apps, including Word, is free for screen size less than 9-inch. Meaning, you can use the software for free on mobiles and tablets. To use the software on a laptop, one need to purchase Office 365 Personal, which costs $5/month. You also get 1TB of OneDrive storage for free with the bundle.

Can You Use Microsoft Word On Apple Laptops

Choose the Best One

As you can see from the above comparison, Apple Pages weights on simplicity and basic functions. Of course, the functionalities aren't as rich as MS Word, but it gets the job done.

Microsoft Word is universally available, more flexible on storage options, and offers more features out of the box. But at the same time, some may find it bloated. In that case, I would advise going for Pages and if that's not the case with you, then go with Microsoft Word.

Next up: You can also edit images using Microsoft Word software. Read the post below to find out more.

The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.Read NextHow to Edit Images Using Microsoft Word 2016Also See#productivity #apple

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© Shutterstock It only takes a few clicks to enable Word's speech-to-text mode. Shutterstock
  • You can use speech-to-text on Microsoft Word through the 'Dictate' feature.
  • With Microsoft Word's 'Dictate' feature, you can write using a microphone and your own voice.
  • When you use Dictate, you can say 'new line' to create a new paragraph and add punctuation simply by saying the punctuation aloud.
  • If you're not satisfied with Word's built-in speech-to-text feature, you can use a third-party program like Dragon Home.

While typing is certainly the most common way to create and edit documents in Microsoft Word, you're not limited to using a keyboard.

Word supports speech-to-text, which lets you dictate your writing using voice recognition.

Speech-to-text in Word is convenient and surprisingly accurate, and can help anyone who has issues typing with a typical keyboard.

You can use speech-to-text in Microsoft Word in the same way on both Mac and PC.

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How to use speech-to-text on Word using Dictate

Make sure you have a microphone connected to your computer. Cash splash slot. This can be built-in, like on a laptop, or a separate mic that you plug into the USB or audio jack.

It doesn't matter which type you use, though the best kind of mic to use is a headset, as it won't need to compete with as much background noise as a built-in microphone.

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1. In Microsoft Word, make sure you're in the 'Home' tab at the top of the screen, and then click 'Dictate.'

© Dave Johnson/Business Insider Click 'Dictate' to start Word's speech-to-text feature. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

2. You should hear a beep, and the dictate button will change to include a red recording light. It's now listening for your dictation.

© Dave Johnson/Business Insider You know Word is listening when the Dictate button has a red light. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

3. Speak clearly, and Word should transcribe everything you say in the current document. Speak punctuation aloud as you go. You can also say 'New line,' which has the same effect as pressing the Enter or Return key on the keyboard.

4. When you're done dictating, click 'Dictate' a second time or turn it off using your voice by saying, 'Turn the dictate feature off.'

You can still type with the keyboard while Dictate is on, but if you click outside of Word or switch to another program, Dictate will turn itself off.

Want to change languages? You can click the downward arrow on the Dictate button to choose which of nine or so languages you want to speak. You might also see additional 'Preview Languages,' which are still in beta and may have lower accuracy.

© Dave Johnson/Business Insider Open the Dictate button's drop-down menu to see your language choices. Dave Johnson/Business Insider

Apple Laptop Vs Microsoft Laptop

Speech-to-text alternatives

You're not limited to using the Dictate feature built into Word. While not as popular as they once were, there are several commercial speech-to-text apps available which you can use with Word.

The most popular of these, Dragon Home, performs the same kind of voice recognition as Word's Dictate, but it also lets you control Word, format text, and make edits to your text using your voice. It works with nearly any program, not just Word.

Microsoft Word On Apple Computer

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